Monday, August 6, 2007

the confederacy

Erthean governance is a cohesive amalgamation of empirical Erthean based principles and surviving beneficial cultures, with exceptions to certain preGU systems and ideologies that had been proven erroneous with dire consequences. The chief facilitating body of new Erthe civilization is epitomized by the Erthe Federation, whose main function conducts and provides the primary needs and services, and facilitate the noble visions of the Erthe Citizen. The principal body of Erthe Federation is characterized by the Erthean Council, a congregation of highly evolved individuals exemplifying in holistic and benevolent perspectives, and inherently aware of universal principles.

As the institutions of Erthe Federation address the primary needs and services for the Erthean community, the Erthean Council focuses the nurturing of the individual, the newly evolved Erthe Citizen, as the primary unit of the new Erthean society. Erthe Federation exists in provisioning the programs of the Erthean Council for holistic development of the Erthe Citizen in this cosmic arena towards the noble aspirations of Universal Vision. With the benevolent guidance of CIC democratic institutions, Erthe Federation, as facilitated by the Erthean Council, accesses autonomous representations to the galactic wide institutional programs of the Confederacy of Interstellar Citizens (CIC), guided within the Ideals of Universal Balance and Continuity.

The holistically evolved Erthe Citizen may considerably become the direct independent constituent of the CIC. The vast expanse of the Confederacy’s influence, encompassing diverse life forms and cultures of advanced civilizations, roots its strength with the Citizenry. Constant interstellar communications among such highly evolved individuals from these advanced civilizations propagate with the profound technology of SPEEDTRA, wherein imbued photonic messages are conveyed by sufficiently patterned data characteristics harmonious to stellar and planetary core energy vortices, its exquisite technology virtually screening ulterior thought patterns from regressive lower dimensions.

With the advent of advanced technology and progression towards higher culture, the new Erthean civilization realizes the ideals of Universal Democracy. As Erthe Federation addresses the secular needs of the Erthe Citizen, the latter endows direct governance over its function as facilitated by the Erthean Council, and partakes in the program resolutions of the CIC through its specialized systematic course implementations. By Erthean standards, the Confederacy utilizes basic and direct interstellar community links among individual citizens via the INSTELNET, the interstellar scope communications network, which is the advancement from a 20th century Erthean technology known as the Internet.

The new technology however, utilizes organic-based computer networks of interstellar protocol. The exquisite process of the technology incorporating organic data enables Erthe Federation to access the network of SPEEDTRA, consistently achieved with harmonious vortex patterns of energies in nature. Such intra-dimensional access capability is holistically termed as the “Needle Eye”, virtually reliant on higher dimension thought patterns and rendered inaccessible to lower thought motivations.


Nina Munteanu said...

Awesome premise for a blog. I've enjoyed reading the concepts you presented. Cool!

Ric Vil Hori said...

thanks a lot sfgirl!

Fernando Olmos said...

nice ideas. you are a good writter, did u know it?
fernando from chile

Jean-Luc Picard said...

You've got a great blog here that opens up a lot of possibilities.

Ric Vil Hori said...

thank you guys! your comments inspire

Fernando Olmos said...

Yes, you’re right. Living into a ring of fire’s country we shouldn’t protest or fight against nature. It controlles us… Anyway, it doesn’t really care… I just thank that yesterday’s quake wasn’t bigger than another.
My cheers from Chile


Ric Vil Hori said...

Fernando, we were taught from the mindset of 'control' by those who seek to control, but with Nature it is more like seeking harmony. We are yet to perceive things from Nature that will open up beyond our present situation to more profound perspectives.

Ric Vil Hori said...

May I suggest to also open my other website
I talked of stuffs regarding us and Nature in 'A Vision on Culture' and us having the right to mold our Future by being aware in what I term as 'Rocket's Theory'.