Saturday, December 29, 2007

observing realm

Much of the Nefilims had also shown considerable patience and understanding for lower evolved humans, for they themselves had continually learned in the multidimensional lessons of life with the latter. Willingly, in the observing realm of higher dimensions they watched over sentient humans, thereupon the concept of guardian “angels” manifested in religious belief systems. Significantly, Celestial Adepts also incarnate in human form to imbue with profound knowledge and wisdom the human civilizations and cultures. Known as Avatars by other cultures, they had contributed generously to the upliftment of human awareness.

Eventually, these amazing interactions were consigned into various legends and belief systems as humanity approached the modern era. On such case, the benevolent habit of a SUPERBeing swooping down on his spaceship on slumbering nights, merrily bearing gifts to ancient natives during the frigid Ice Age, evolved into the personality cult of a famous red robed stout figure popularized for children during winter festivities in the modern era. The natives interpreted the engine of his flying vehicle as akin to numerous reindeer powers, its signal light siren translated as tinker bells.

In as much as benevolence and graciousness were attested with these profound interactions, so were instances of devolved and selfish manipulations attributed by some among the dimensional Beings that sought advantage from the ignorance and debaseness of humans. Continually, the drama of life encompasses even beyond multidimensional levels, synonymously as the universe incessantly emanate with various interacting or opposing forces. In the course of time, the relationship between man and his environment opened towards broader scope as his reactions to the universe surrounding him seek definition of his place in the vast cosmic mystery.


As ages passed, interaction among diverse tribes created both unprecedented development and conflict as intensely opposing principles inevitably clashed or fused. The influences of these tribes furthermore spread with adeptness in religion relative with the Nefilim mentors, and eventually manifested as a major force to be reckoned as Humanity approached the modern era. From the sands of the desert and the howls of barren wilderness, a hardy, intense people emerged and epitomized a distinct facet of the human phenomenon, and their contribution to human history augured even towards the modern age, which finally culminated with the Great Upheaval.

Yet, the witnessing time prodded further as other city states and empires pursued for dominion with kings acknowledging allegiance to their triumphant gods. From the west arose a dynamic people whose highly efficient armies and vitality of culture invaded and influenced the then known ancient world. Eventually, Erthean perspectives unconfined with their mentor Deities began to emerge among attentive humans, as the expected progression of learning further developed into their inimitable senses. The Ertheans began to stand less dependently from their Deity mentors.

The SUPERbeings witnessed the growth of the Erthean natives with concoctions of both interest and foreboding, for these species were beginning to create their mark on the dimensional existence in manners yet to be considered. The dramatic interactions between mortal humans and the SUPERbeings were demonstrated with much complexity. Human subjects attested the benevolence and generosity of the Deities, acknowledging the universality and ascendancy of moral values.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Interactions of these peoples with other diverse tribes had created both unprecedented development and conflict as intensely opposing principles inevitably clashed or fused. Their influences furthermore spread with adeptness in religion relative with the Nefilim mentors, and eventually manifested as a major force to be reckoned as Humanity approached the modern era.

From the sands of the desert and the howls of barren wilderness, a hardy, intense people emerged and epitomized a distinct facet of the human phenomenon, and their contribution to human history augured even towards the modern age, which finally culminated with the Great Upheaval.From these cradles of civilizations however, the effects of such deeds manifested anew on the environment as climatic changes and centuries of incessant wars, reckless enterprising activities, and overgrazing eventually deforested their environment, as once fertile lands deteriorated into barren deserts. Eventually these civilizations succumbed to diverse waves of forces, becoming vulnerable to decline and invasions from contentions of empires and tribes with higher capacities and cultures.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The passengers aboard the ark were survivors of an emerging human species that thrived in the fertile plains where the early Nefilim colonies and space ports had been established. Their early ancestors, the First Couple of the modern human race, Adam and Eva were profound creations by the joint efforts of Nefilim and Galactic Federacy representatives, collectively known as the Elohim, in an effort to revive the once devastated Lemurian species.

The Couple, who were created prior to the Great Flood, epitomized the zenith genetic skills of the Elohim. Embedded with DNA data of various Galactic Federacy member species, and their offspring assured with representations of 144,000 stellar civilizations, the Couple was indeed great and wonderfully made.In the early phases however, a dilemma occurred that required the dehybridization of the Couple to awaken their dormant knowledge of procreation. Instilled by the Elohim with the concept of Free Will, the Couple eventually decided with the awakening, and as a consequence inadvertently shattered the political agenda pertaining with the Annunakis. The latter forcibly expelled the Couple from the lush Nefilim bio-nursery that once was their nurturing home, and thus began their and their offspring’s struggle as they entered a promising, yet challenging era for Erthean Humanity.

Concurrent with the surviving Lemurians that had chosen to thrive separately on the planet’s subterranean realms after the Flood, and the well evolved primate humans scattered in other continents, the Couple would then contribute to the intricate mesh of the Erthean drama. Their offsprings eventually covered the surface of Erthe both in population and in influence. From the tongue of their mentors, the Nefilim spacenauts, Gaia was eventually christened as Erthe, deriving it from the name of the planet's first established spaceport colony, ERI.DU.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


The downfall of Erthe had been heeded by the Celestial Adepts. To protect the planet from further incursion, a series of electromagnetic barriers positioned on grid portal points were created around her, disallowing other likely higher dimensional explorer SUPERbeings from intruding the planet’s 3D reality.

Erthe by now was under quarantine, its communication links with other star systems withdrawn, and destined to experience 11 millennia of Dark Age. The lower 3D dimensional humans on surface Erthe that survived the aftermath of the catastrophe, rendered to the guidance, or manipulation, of the multifaceted influence of the remaining dimensional Beings prior to the quarantine.

Meanwhile on surface Erthe, remnants of Ertheans and of the various animal species as well were able to survive in the safety of their ingeniously built ark, partly as result of information glitches from factions in the Nefilim Hierarchy. The Ertheans were destined to survive, and the continuance of the species was assured for soon it would enter into another chapter of human drama, albeit with the diverse representations of Galactic Federacy SUPERbeings. Eventually, these Entities would play its pivotal role upon the Ertheans, and the influence to their continuing existence.

Monday, October 29, 2007

lemurian survivors

In the aftermath of the Deluge, the Celestial Adepts and their Lemurian-Atlantean companions reemerged from the safety of their subterranean refuge where they had survived from the catastrophic phenomenon. As the waters subsided they realized that the planet's communication link with other Star Systems was severely cut. Although the portal complex in a place eventually known as Egypt had generally survived the onslaught of the Flood, the impact drastically altered the orbital path of Erthe, disaligning its communication links between Sirius and other Star Systems by several degrees. Erthe’s orbital shift fell from higher 4th Dimensional plane down to 3-Dimensional level. The communication thread between the intergalactic families had been severed and the planet virtually relegated down to 3D reality.

The Celestial Adepts and the Lemurian-Atlantean survivors, upon observing the digression of surface Erthean behavior and the inherent dangers of advanced technology when held by erring hands, gestured feats that would protect the planet and their constituents from the darkening ages of surface Erthean environment. With the aid of initiates, they further developed the pyramid complex in Egypt, incorporating with it codes of sacred geometry, and motivated with flickering hope that in the latter ages a more enlightened surface Erthean generation would enable to decipher its noble message to mankind.

Their deeds thus done, the Celestial Adepts, their initiates and surviving Lemurian-Atlanteans returned to their subterranean refuge. Deeper still they huddled for Erthe’s warmth, as her inner brilliant core shone and nurtured their abode inside her hollow bosom. Within Inner Erthe they built their cities, developed further their technologies and improved their beings, as the Ideals of Life and their utopian existence were guarded from the follies and struggles of surface Ertheans that had multiplied upon Erthe’s surface.

Within the nurturing embrace of Mother Erthe, there they will await the reawakening of humanity from its own folly and the dark cloud of its consequences. It is with this enigmatic history that the surviving Lemurian brethrens alluded their origin. In their abode the Lemurians flourished with sacred knowledge and advanced civilization, virtually inaccessible to ordinary mortals, until the appointed moment comes.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Unbeknown to the gods, within the confines of the sturdy ark, mankind once again was saved from impending annihilation. With the elect Noa, his family and the ship craftsmen, they awaited the subsiding tides. In the first apparition of the peaks of Ararat, they sighted land amid the vast expanse of watery void. Thereupon as the waters subsided and the ark stopped aground, Noa burnt animal offerings as advised by the Chief Scientist Prince. With the emission attracting the Nefilim probes, they soon discovered that remnants of humans had indeed survived.

The “Stern One” was at first enraged with the discovery of human survivors. The breach of information markedly pointed to the “Clever One” as the culprit. With unprecedented speech of eloquent defenses, of praises to the Heir Prince and combinations of denial and admission, the “Clever One” surmised how exceedingly wise his servant Noa was for he enabled deciphering the cryptic messages of the gods thus informing him of the Flood. Surely, the gods need not ignore his abilities and should take heed in regard to him. With such persuasion, and with the obvious relief of other Nefilims, the “Stern One” relented with his half-brother’s position. It was also with practical motive, for the task of rebuilding the land would tremendously require human labor.

The Flood also affected Erthean temperature, for the harshness of the Ice Age abruptly ended and a more favorable climate ensued. Erthean life flourished as the Chief Administrator granted the humans with genetically modified grains and fruit trees, while the Chief Scientist instructed animal husbandry. There were also adjusted considerations to human norms and revisions on sexual conduct, encompassing also the behavior of Nefilims (Annunaki spacenauts). With blessings from the Hierarchy, humans were encouraged to “be fruitful and multiply”.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

great deluge

As the Nibiruan Nefilims eventually subjugated Atlantis, so were the moral deterioration of the Atlanteans affected by the intrusion. With potent Atlantean crystal technology thrown into unaccustomed hands, the land succumbed from the weight of its awesome power as the crystal generators’ vibrating frequencies intensified beyond control, moreover exacerbated by the anomalous effect of the coming of Nibiru and its gravitational pull.

With the incoming orbital appearance of planet Nibiru within Erthe’s vicinity, “The Stern One” acquired the way to execute the ultimate plan of eliminating the humans that had beleagurerd him. He had received report from the science monitoring station about a perilous situation: the growing polar ice caps over the Antartica were becoming unstable. The instability developed just as planet Nibiru was approaching Gaea. Nibiru’s gravitational pull may cause the huge ice caps to collapse and immense tidal waves could engulf many continents.
Summoning the Nibiruan Council, the Chief Administrator informed them of the impending and immense catastrophe. Nibiruan starships were to be readied for the safety of the Nibiruan Nefilims. Mankind however, was not to be informed of the inevitable disaster. To ensure accomplishment of the plan, “The Stern One” required the Nibiruan Hierarchy, in the presence of the Emperor who landed down from Nibiru for the emergency assembly, into taking pledges against divulging the secret to humans. With the “Clever One”, he specifically bounded with the oath until the latter relented.
The Chief Scientist had other plans in mind however, pondering on ways to deflect the sworn oath. He summoned his wise and trusted servant, Noa, advising him to stand behind a reed wall. With the oath preventing him from divulging the impending Deluge to any human, the “Clever One” pretended to speak instead to the reed wall. Initial cryptic messages eventually turned into precise instructions for constructing an ark: a large “sunken” boat sealed and without decks or openings; a boat that can withstand vicious movements of the waters. With this signal Noa must heed: When the god “who orders the trembling at dusk and the showering of eruptions” initiated his command, Noa, with his constituents, must board the ark and batten its entrance.

As the dreaded moment came, the Nefilim fleet commander signaled the launching of celestial ships and the ground trembled with the blast of its combustion chambers, the land glaring with piercing eruptions. Then, darkened skies and awesome thunderstorms caused by sudden atmospheric change accompanied the coming of the gigantic tidal waves.

The continent cracked and the once glorious Atlantea, together with its inhabitants, was swallowed by the angry seas in a horrifying catastrophe.Complications further eroded the surface of Erthe as Nibiru’s perilous proximity exerted upon her. Erthe’s southern pole, with its ice caps already tethering precariously from the grip of Ice Age, was furthermore aggravated by Nibiru’s gravitational pull and worsening the situation into larger disaster. The upset resulted with gigantic waves of disastrous proportions, rapidly inundating the many continents of Erthe. The great extent of damage even overwhelmed the Nefilim SUPERbeings with horror as they watched their creations, humans that had already flourished in middle eastern continental ports, decimated by a horrible end. The Great Deluge had occurred. With seething vengeance, the angry waters rapidly engulfed large continents of Gaea, death devouring every living thing in its path.

The awesome sight exuded shock even among the Nibiruans hudded within their orbiting ships, for the terrible extent of the destruction had greatly overwhelmed and humbled their senses as they witnessed the awesome event. The Queen Geneticist unabashedly bewailed the tragic extermination of her children, vowing not to forget their destruction. Astounded gods who wept with her reverberated the halls of the ships by their cries.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Meanwhile, Gaia adjusted its orbit in due course and Lemurian remnants from the catastrophic planetary collision survived and flourished once more on a far away continent. Eventually, the survivors evolved in mental capacity with the Lemurians’ male and female cousins emerging from the surviving continent of Atlantea. Thereupon they were known as the Atlanteans, thriving once more with refreshed vigor. With the benevolent assistance of Celestial Adepts who were dispatched to Gaia by the Galactic Council in response to Lemurian distress signal, the Atlanteans were initiated into civilized knowledge of the arts and sciences. Soon Atlantean civilization flourished with the wonders of advanced technological achievements and the furthering of their evolutionary stage. With the guidance of the Celestial Adepts, especially knowledgeable were the Atlantean natives in the workings of crystal technology. Gaia, and the continent of Atlantis and its cities gained galactic prominence as cosmic visitors toured and benefited with its interstellar cosmopolitan atmosphere.
Yet, in the midst of affluence, the base and primitive of human nature manifested anew with aggressiveness, selfishness and jealousy among the Atlanteans. Furthermore complicating the episode was another faction of interstellar beings, the Annunaki Nefilims who were among the diverse inhabitants of the massive starship Nibiru, setting with envious eyes the knowledge of crystal technology of the Atlanteans, as Nibiru was again about to enter into unstable orbital influence with Gaia, and with it an impending gravitational disturbance.

With the decline of Atlantean values and the inevitable influence of Nibiruan orbit, the beleaguered Atlantean leaders conceded to export Atlantean crystal and pyramid technology to strategic continental locations beyond Atlantis. It had to be implemented as the Nefilims (land-bound spacenauts by Erthean term) overran their cities and the Atlantean continent, breaching communications with other Star Systems. Among the locations identified was the land to the east and various constructions on the continents soon to be named as the Americas. In a land that would eventually be known as Egypt, a great pyramid complex was built to serve as space portal facility for direct communication between Sirius and other Star Systems, and the Celestial Adepts of Atlantea. By then, Gaia had become am interstellar cosmopolitan planet. Various intelligent galactic species with the capacity for space travel visited the nurturing continents of Gaia and her thriving inhabitants.

Eventually, great cities and civilizations were built by the thriving Atlanteans, as their existence ran parallel with the agenda of the Annunaki Nefilims and the offsprings of the ‘created’ Couple. The saga and politics of these diverse species soon interacted with each other. There was even a time when an Adamic offspring, banished for his murderous crime, sought the confines of one of the cities for these great civilizations had already existed even before the creation of the supposed first ‘Adamic’ race as stipulated by Annunaki politics that pervaded even up to the modern era prior to the Great Upheaval.

Soon, the politics of these major powers ultimately resulted with another catastrophic phenomenon. As the impending return of the huge starship Nibiru entered the influence of Gaia, the inevitable anomaly of their gravitational presence would result to another horrendous chapter that would ultimately be known through the Erthean ages as the Great Deluge.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

princely rivalry

Ages passed and the offsprings of Adam and Eva flourished on Gaia’s surface. Eventually, some of their offsprings returned to serve in the abode of the Nefilims. They created civilizations, built cities and settlements; and in a seeming dilemma of human folly and at the contention of their “gods”, fought with each other. The Nefilims also heralded constructions of strategic spaceports and contol towers along the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.

However, as Gaian period entered the onslaught of Ice Age, life in many areas of Gaia relegated into difficulty with food supply getting scarce. Furthermore complicating the human dilemma were the atrocities, wickedness, and alarming sexual conduct (in which the Nefilims definitely weren’t the least expressive) occurring everywhere. In the Annunaki Hierarchy, rivalry between the two Princes was also mounting. The “Stern One” formerly implied the eradication of grotesque sphinxes, minotaurs, and other odd remnants of the “Clever One’s” previous genetic projects prior to the creation of the humanoid hybrids, but the latter refused. Greater still was the Chief Administrator’s predicament of the intermarriage between younger Nefilim spacenauts and the intriguingly attractive daughters of men. He also deemed disagreeable the appointment of their semi-divine offsprings to ruling positions by the Chief Scientist Prince and the Queen Geneticist. With Nibiruan genes perceived by the “Stern One” being threatened to supposed digression, and human behavior relegating to debaseness, he regretted the creation of man, troubling him with sleepless nights, and wishing to rid of them.

Difficulties further aroused with the onset of Ice Age, as subterranean waters plunged, rainfall impeded, irrigations failed. Observing the grave predicament of humans on the planet, with some of them already resorting to cannibalism, the “Clever One” propounded at taking measures in alleviating their sufferings. The “Stern One” disapproved further interaction with the stubborn humans, for he had intended to decimate mankind with pestilence and sickness coinciding with the harshness of the Ice Age. As the escalated groan of suffering humans called for him, “The Clever One” relented and advised drastic measures to confound the imposed prohibitions against them. Still the humans thrived in the midst of difficulties, which dismayed “The Stern One” for they had become more numerous than before.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Adam and Eva

By now information about the sensitive issue of genetic cloning orchestrated by the Anunnakis had reached the Galactic Council. Summoning the Celestial Command into dealing with the Nibiruan situation, an agreement was called for cooperation between the Anunnakis, the Interstellar Civilization representatives and the Celestial Adepts entering by way of pyramid dimensional portals. With the mutual consent and the pooling of knowledge of these SUPERbeings, evidently called the plural Elohim, the Nibiruans shall be aided into the Creation of human Adam and Eva for Erthe. A special bio-nursery replete with genetically modified flora and fauna awaited the couple in beautiful E.DIN.

To deviate for a moment, the existing situation of the Anunnaki Hierarchy at the time had to be noted. There existed a rivalry between the two key sons of the Emperor, for much of Erthean history indeed had been affected by the contention of the two. With consideration to behavioral characteristics that differentiated between these two princes, let the Heir Prince, borne from the Emperor’s legal consort, be known as the “Stern One”. His half-brother, an expert scientist and technically the first-born but of subordinate parentage, may be known as the “Clever One”. Previously, the “Stern One” had advised to the Emperor stiff punishment against the mining mutineers. Empathy to the miners prevailed in the Emperor however, and heeded the alternative genetic project of his rival, the “Clever One”. The “Stern One”, being the Nefilim Chief Administrator, managed the bio-nursery in E.DIN. “The Clever One” was the expert Chief Scientist Prince who was previously mentioned in the creation of the humanoid hybrids.

Adam and Eva were a marvelous creation, possessing suitable qualities embedded upon by their creators, the Elohim. Adam was intelligent enough to handle the task of naming the flora and fauna that surrounded him, and endowed with beautiful proportions was the female Eva. The couple was allowed to frolic around naked in picturesque E.DIN, with the hope that they would soon mate and produce offspring.

Alas, to the chagrin of the Anunnaki Hierarchy, the hybrid couple being more of reptillian strain than mammalian, were incapable of reproduction. To further complicate the issue, a dehybridization process reducing their reptilian strain into more of human part may enable them to reproduce, but the reptilian Anunnakis would lose political power over these creatures. With the presence of the Galactic representatives of the Elohim, it was decided that the human Adam and Eva shall be accorded the noble right to Free Will regarding the circumstance, and with it the responsibility that they must carry with their resulting decision. The tree of knowledge shall be genetically enhanced to entice the couple into succumbing to their innocent decision.

With the classic gesture of a scientist temperament, the “Clever One” could not allow his novelty creation go down at stand still merely due to serving political interests, in this case, of the Anunnaki Hierarchy. Behind the dimensional cloak and using his most alluring creation, a flying serpent he maneuvered via telepathy, the “Clever One” enticed naive Eva with sweet promises upon eating the forbidden fruit. The fruit from this specific tree was genetically enhanced to contain a chemical substance that would dehybridize the couple towards a more human , rather than reptilian inclination, and would open them to the knowledge of procreation. Eva then convinced Adam into eating the forbidden fruit. The act thus done, the couple sensed a growing attraction with each other, and with the disquieting discovery of their nakedness, they hid under the bushes and fashioned for themselves coverings made from leaves.

By the time the E.DIN administrator, the “Stern One”, went for an afternoon stroll with the orchard’s breezy climate, the odd behavior of the couple surprised him. Upon hearing the politically dreadful predicament, he demanded the genetic alteration of the unfortunate flying serpent, its alluring wings to be deleted and its movement reduced to odious slithering. To Adam he alarmed to hardships in the unmodified wilderness; to Eva he threatened to painful birthing deprived of anesthetics. With his spirited litany eventually subsiding, he ordered the stitching of leather clothing to protect the couple from the cold wilderness. Bidding the otherwise potentially valuable servants, the Anunnaki Hierarchy commanded them to leave the E.DIN, prohibiting their return. With the comforts of E.DIN behind them, the distressed couple ventured towards the wilderness and into new and challenging chapters of their lives.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


The Anunnaki miners eventually despised the continuously backbreaking toil, and a brewing mutiny threatened the operation. Alarmed by the situation, the Anunnaki Emperor summoned the Council. Drastic measures had to be done to resolve the threat of mutiny. The Chief Scientist Prince aired his proposal. He had been observing with fascination the Erthean apeman romping around on the planet’s surface whose yet evolving physique was starting to manifest human-like features, and exhibiting considerable intelligence at saving his animal friends from traps by confounding the hunters’ contraptions. The apeman’s mental structure however, was yet wild and not suited for obeying commands or using the mining tools. Why not create a hybrid primitive worker from out of the apeman specie, and fuse it with the image of Nibiruan genes, docile enough to obey commands and to handle mining equipments? His idea appealed to the surprised Council, and the Emperor implored his daughter and Chief Medical Officer and Geneticist, a royal Queen of the Council, to assist with her expertise. The Queen accepted the challenge and with the supervision of her half-brother the Chief Scientist Prince, worked on to eventually create a new species of human hybrids from the egg of an ape-female and the seed of a Nibiruan male “god”.

Initially a series of trials created an incongruity of sphynx, minotaurs, and other odd creatures until sufficient knowledge was amassed to deal with the final experiment. After extraction of the essence, creation began via in vitro fertilization using clay, for such material was capable of molding imprints even at molecular level. As the essence fertilized, it had to be reimplanted into a female womb, but not of the original apewoman. Rather it required the womb of a “goddess” to achieve the desired result. With unknown risk involved in dealing with first experiments, the Queen Scientist herself volunteered for the task. It was not a smooth birthing process, for the drama was compounded with late birth. On the tenth month an opening was made (caesarean) and from her womb, the baby came forth. Overcome with joy, the Queen lifted up her baby and rejoiced triumphantly. The first humanoid hybrid had entered the world.

The first successful birth paved the way for the continuance of the genetic program. Fourteen “birth goddesses” were chosen for artificial impregnation with seven to conceive male hybrids and another seven for female counterparts, and the program went into full-scale production. The hybrid workers turned out to be fine gold digging slaves, and the Nibiruan miners were finally freed from their task. With the mutiny threat extinguished, and with continuous gold supply and servants, life went along well with the Nibiruans.

However, a hitch soon developed. The birth goddesses, fed up from continuous pregnancy with little hybrids, threatened to revolt and refused to continue with the project. Alarmed that gold production and Erthe station constructions would be jeopardized, the Anunnaki Emperor ordered the Queen Geneticist, with supervision from the Chief Scientist Prince, to create another pair of humans with reproductive potential, for the earlier hybrid workers were incapable of procreation.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


It had been said in the ages of mysteries and legends that starship Nibiru, a gigantic artificial planet, strayed off course from what was once part of the larger planets of the Sirius Star System. At about 4 times the size of planet Erthe, starship planet Nibiru was inhabited by various intergalactic species. Among the more influential inhabitants were a banished Pleiadean evolved beings known as the Anunnaki and governed by their Hierarchy. The Anunnaki’s are about 3-6 meters tall, human in form, with elaborate multi colored cranial hair but little or devoid of body hair, although some males have beards. Having construed from reptilian-humanoid stock, they do not sweat or emit body odors, and have impressions that mammalian humans stank.

The starship planet was captured by the Sun and thrown into an extremely elongated comet-like orbit with its aphelion at the extreme boundary of the Sun’s gravitational field. However, Nibiru’s impending orbital proximity to Solar rays, as well as internal conflict and pollution, caused the atmospheric shield to deteriorate on the planet. Alarmed by its dangers, the Nibiruan Council congregated to counter the impending phenomenon, for the planet’s atmospheric cooling would be disastrous to reptilian-based species that needed external heat for bodily warmth. It was further analyzed that a heat shield of gold dust would have to be constructed to prevent atmospheric heat loss. The Council therefore conceded to dispatch spacecraft fleets to explore the Sun's planetary systems for gold. In Gaia, the Nibiruans discovered the substance that would spell their survival.

The horrendous planetary collision between Nibiru and Gaia had also affected Nibiruan leadership. Distressed by the acts of the Anunnaki Emperor, as well as a complicated past between competing royalties, the Royal Cup-bearer (the son of a heir apparent whom the Emperor usurped) devised a plan to depose the former. The opportunity occurred when the emperor visited Gaia to assess the damage from the collision. Seizing his absence, the plotter proclaimed himself as the new Emperor and in the ensuing conflict the banished leader and his cohorts fled on an escape spacecraft to Gaia. There they took refuge and were forbidden from ever returning to Nibiru. The royal conflicts involving Anunnaki Hierarchy further stemmed from precedent eras spanning beyond the stars. Eventually their quandary would find roots of conflict even on Erthe, pitting humans against each other with bloody wars to the wiles of their “gods”. Ultimately the abolition of such manipulations culminated with the identification of its devolved cabal, and its destined demise in the era of Erthean Upheaval.

In Gaia the deposed emperor located a considerable resource of gold on one of its marshlands. Both camps were sufficiently concerned about Nibiru’s fate however, and the deposed significantly informed that new leadership of gold discoveries along Gaia’s waters. With the precious metals needed by their planet’s deteriorating atmospheric shield, the first Annunaki emissary landed at the presently known Parsee Gulf.
By the edge of its marshlands they established their first Gaian Station, the ERI.DU (this phrase rooted itself into Erthean languages and eventually the planet was renamed Erthe by the early humans). Initially gold was extracted from the waters. Insufficient supply however, induced their probes to discover other gold deposits in the southeastern areas of the present known African continent. Underneath its grounds the Nibiruans mined the precious metal.

With abundant gold supply the Nibiruans successfully created their atmospheric heat shield. But they soon realized that the shield required periodic maintenance, forcing them to establish a contingent of Nibiruan Nefilims (spacenauts) and mining constituents stationed on ERI.DU and the mining fields to ensure constant supply of the metals while Nibiruan and Erthe orbits were yet in convenient proximities. Continuous mining and drudgery of the miners eventually earned its moniker as the “Underworld”, for indeed the mine in southeastern Africa was literally located under the latitudinal position of space station ERI.DU, which was somewhere along the fertile crescent of Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Monday, August 27, 2007

ancient sages

The tales of ancient Erthean sages narrated about such legendary continents and civilizations in the eon ages for generations to hear. From the ancient cauldron of evolution, there arose the enigmatic sentient ancestors of Erthe; hermaphroditic humanoids that once flourished on then known Gaia, in the continent of Lemuria. With highly spiritual and philosophical culture, Lemurian civilization thrived into settlements from the once nomadic life of their ancestors, the hardy Hyperborans that survived the earlier Ice ages. The telepathic abilities of the Lemurians had also enabled them to befriend the animal species, achieving harmonious synchronicity with the planet during their time.
Then came other races from the heavens, “gods”, who were welcomed with the cordial atmosphere. Among the “gods” were the Dracos, survivors of a nearly extinct reptilian species from a distant star system whose home planets were incessantly destroyed by wars and conflicts among themselves. The Dracos had determined to propagate their dying race by interbreeding with the Lemurians through genetic manipulation of the hermaphrodite natives into separate genders.
Upon the succession of the experiment, the natives awoke with the distressing discovery that their soul parts had separated among themselves. With trepidation they sought their mates, and upon finding them refused to separate again. So great were their distress that the once amenable natives revolted against the “gods”, determined to tear down their strongholds. Other Lemurians retreated underground to escape the havoc of the Draco agenda, requesting assistance from their resulting cousin species, the Atlanteans, and its distress signal eventually reverberating throughout the galaxy. It had been said that the great deserts spanning the continents of modern Erthe prior to the Upheaval were remnants of the great wars of yore. Lemurian behavior soon digressed in the bitter conflicts with the vile Dracos, and the intensity heated up on Gaia’s surface.
Then a gargantuan catastrophic event of interplanetary proportion occured as a massive Galactic Federacy starship entered the scene. The Nibiru, dispatched to ultimately address the Draco infiltration, fated the devastated Lemurian civilization to destruction with deadly satellite weapons orbiting on its throe. The tremendous and horrifying collision obliterated the infested continent of Lemuria, and knocked off Gaia’s old orbit into one closer to the Sun.
The ensuing chaos displaced nearby Mars into an orbit farther from the Sun, causing its once habitable climate to freeze off and expire, its soil gradually turning oxide red. Heated up by the ensuing chaos, the waters of planet Venus evaporated into thick atmospheric clouds, entrapping heat and causing its temperature to rise with hellish proportion.
In the ensuing confrontation, a satellite was captured by Gaia’s gravitational pull that eventually followed her diverted course, until it finally settled into current position with the satellite now known as the Moon. Other fragments reverberated with their axis to become comets. Devastated Gaia reeled further into the interior and caused her to settle much nearer to the Sun. Eventually the great debris of the once lush continental portion of Gaia settled and became the asteroid belt of the Solar System.
From then on Gaia’s geological physique and orbital axis was drastically altered. In time, she came to be known as Erthe. The horrendous phenomenon had its comforting effect however, for the orbital movement of planetary bodies had finally stabilized in relation to Nibiru, such that a devastating collision of this magnitude may no longer occur.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

hidden ages

As the new Erthean era gradually unfolds, it dawns upon Erthe Citizens the greater scope of their defined existence, gradually revealing unto them the awesome drama of humanity. Spanning the eon ages and transcending beyond galactic stars, the revelations portray intricate links that characterized the Ertheans with the expanding galactic family. As the new Ertheans awaited the gradual healing of Mother Erthe, everyday life continues in surviving urban areas and climate controlled geodesic chambers; albeit with a new dimensional level as they initiate towards higher perspectives that will enable them to contain the awesome phenomena that had occurred, and to awaken from the past once hidden from them.

From the earliest of ages since the conception of cosmic universe, Erthe, then known as Gaia, had undergone transformations not bereft of drama. In the midst of creation and destruction, she had withstood and persevered as life chapters manifested and closed, as eras resurfaced within her embrace. Eventually, the building blocks of life began to grow as light imbued with cosmic knowledge touched her primordial waters. Evolution proceeded with its role as primitive of organisms gradually developed within the ancient brew, furthering into complex organic transformations. Then the messengers of Creator came upon her, and life furthermore blossomed.

In the chain of life spanning millions of Gaian years, certain creatures eventually emerged beyond the rest. The animal-man, instilled with sentient perception, began to develop the environment around him. The phenomenon attracted other neighboring conscious beings whose advanced technologies enabled traveling beyond their stellar worlds, and initiated unto the creature the higher capacities for advancement. Great civilizations blossomed with legendary and dramatic Ages that spanned several millennia in Gaia’s space-time dimension, with virtuous beings of tall stature and with life spans reaching fruitful perpetuity.

By then the inner planets Venus, Mars, and Gaia in the System of Sol had begun intra-dimensional interactions in the early stages of the cosmic cradle. There occurred unique orbital resonances among the three planets for thousands of years.

In Venus and Mars, water, the harbinger of life, were yet profusely present. On certain periods, priori-Mars was captured into orbit around Gaia and the sequences of quiescent tidal occurrence of each planet’s gravitational pull had revitalized much of Gaia by the watery influx from Mars (even such phenomenon had been recorded in the ancient mythologies of an indigenous tribe inhabiting Maharlika City). Proto-Venus was conceived from the aftermath of an enormous collision between the great outer planet Jove and a massive galactic object. The seething debris escaped from the gravitational pull of planet Jove and into an eccentric orbit around the Sun, as the planets Mars and Gaia experienced a series of orbital and geographical alteration with its presence. From the glowing plasma cloud and vaporized mass of the aftermath, it eventually contracted to form the bright planet Venus as she settled into her present orbital position. With the planet’s characteristic phenomenon, intergalactic beings from various civilizations dimensionally traveled via Venus’ etheric portal fields, and their glorious presence further flourished habitations on the inner planets.

While geographical transformations intricately linked with the expanding universe occurred within the planets, so were continents and histories sinking and re-emerging with alterations and renewal. There even occurred catastrophic planetary collision that drastically altered the course of planet Gaia, eventually renaming her as Erthe. Soon, memories of enigmatic pasts were buried in the legends and myths of lost continents as life within the planet continued to emerge with impressive persistence.

Monday, August 20, 2007



Transmission temporarily interrupted.

Coded message deciphered.

Data analyses inform coded message originates from parallel dimension solar system Sun: Earth Planet of 3D-4D evolving status with Solar Piscean coordinates 25:05:08:21:08:07:02

Message Translation:

I got tagged by Piropos :)

Just copy paste this and everything below up until my Five links:———————————–

We can post up to five. Then we tell five more people to share their links. If we all share who tagged us, our links are sure to be seen!

They can be business links, favorite sites, affiliate links, whatever you want…

There are Five Rules:
1. MUST be clean. No R rated sites.
2. Only FIVE links.
3. MUST tell 5 people.
4. A link back to the person who tagged you
5. Lara’s Place is the meme originator. (an active link would be appreciated)
———– end copy paste ———————————–>

So here are my recommended 5 links:

Sixwordscifi for the shortest sci fi stories you could ever read.

Mental Works for revolution that starts with you and me.

Strange Places for those weird locations on Planet Earth's surface (watch out, those optical illusion images could trick you!)

Conspiracy Reality for underground truths your puppet corporate media will never tell you.

Space and Motion for profound philosophy all in one place.

Transmission resumes.


The Ertheans were told they are survivors of the Upheaval, rescued and teleported by the Galactic Fleet into the safety of massive starships. What some Ertheans recalled was that they prayed hard, and then it answered. A new dimensional era has begun. The next drama of Erthe unfolds with the presence of these Beings, and the Ertheans rediscovered they are not alone.

Surviving Ertheans initially reeling from the aftermath regained their footing after initial adjustments; the awesome presence of galactic Beings encompassing even the recent horrendous events brought anew visions of hope they are yet to comprehend. With more survivors resurfacing along surrounding suburbs and hinterlands of fated areas, their presence assure with a new humanity arising from the debris.

From the aftermath of the Great Upheaval, Erthean life has been radically restructured and a comprehensive research body is immediately extradited for new models of Erthean social structure. In the midst of regressive and obsolete preGU surface Erthean political systems, the governing model of otherwise obscure but surviving indigenous cultures have been reconsidered by Erthean and CIC research, for its certain facets have met the standards of Universal Harmony, as well as its intricate and hamonious link with Nature, and a considerable purity from PreGU regressive influences. Significantly, its universal principles are fused with compatible preGU Erthean ideologies and culture for the identification of the new Erthean perspective.

It is to be noted that a sizeable population of the indigenous natives with their endangered cultures, being hinterland dwellers, have survived the aftermath of GU. The Erthean Council is then created and considerably a generous number of ethnic leaders constitute core memberships of the Council. Further phases establish the complex departments of Erthe Federation as it gradually dissolves diminishing geo-political influences and boundaries. Eventually the new Ertheans ceased to be distinguished by nationality, instead generally referring to themselves as the “Erthe Citizens”.

The newly formed Erthe Federation, assisted by its new allies in the Confederacy, mustered the planet wide exodus of congregating Erthean survivors into community subgroups by transporting them to specific refugee centers unaffected by nuclear fallout and within rarely surviving cities, including Maharlika City, and other safer strategic locations with the aid of massive CIC starships. Damaged geographical boundaries were delineated and quarantined for gradual rejuvenation. Erthe Federation’s attempt to system rehabilitation and balancing of the planet’s ecosystem and atmospheric conditioning to appropriate postGU status have been an initially daunting task, with its efforts and resources primarily focused to the responsibility for nearly a century. Eventually as Mother Erthe rejuvenates herself, areas subsequently reopen in which reforestation and colonization promptly ensues.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

the great upheaval

The fated Great Upheaval occurred nearly three centuries ago, and its besieging trials greatly challenged the survivors to overcome the odds and to contemplate about their existence as they enter anew a dawning era unprecendented in Erthean Humanity. Most of the survivors had congregated within the becalming rural sceneries and protective hinterlands as they took the last refuge from the brewing trouble, deteriorating environment, and degradation of values that had crept into Erthean society prior to the catastrophic events. Somehow, in the midst of disenchantment of the times, the survivors have experienced an enhanced and intimate relationship with Mother Erthe as the drastic change of lifestyle eventually prodded them to appreciate the natural beauty of the planet they had once taken for granted. Finding refuge from the embracing nature of Mother Erthe in the face of imminent challenge to the very existence of Humanity itself, such profound relationship between Erthe and the awakening survivors profoundly developed into their sensitivity the greater visions beyond realities yet to be comprehended .

On those fateful moments, the negotiating table of opposing governing structures floundered and doomsday prophets fueled global panic that dealt heavy blows to the stability of the then known civilization. Intensified with degraded environment and disruptive thought forms of the populace, the orbital shift of Erthe in relation to human psychic dilemma resulted in extremely imbalanced gravitational frequency that hauled the surface into a string of cataclysms. Major tectonic plates moved and a series of destructive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred worldwide. Typhoons of such great force yet unprecedented in human history and devastating monstrous waves wreaked havoc on the coasts and islands, as ravenous tornadoes caused by drastically altered atmospheric pressures shook the interiors.

Centuries of manipulated human behavior by devious controlling powers that segregated human perspective from harmonizing with Nature’s energy patterns, and deliberated ignorance to holistic perspectives, had finally dealt its blow as the planes of physical and unwary mental dimensions were altered by the Planet’s natural evolution.

The catastrophic events paved the way for scheming powers maneuvering behind world governments and belief systems to tighten its grip upon society. Draconian measures were imposed to control the ensuing strife as it premeditated with their deceitful plan to ultimately enslave humanity. Corruptive factions that had cunningly crawled their way into the ill-fated Erthean social, cultural, religious, political, economic systems were ultimately identified, and thereupon collectively known as the Mammon Cult. The hidden agenda of the devolved Cabal and their minions that had gravely manipulated Erthean societies for millennia were finally exposed.

There were surface Ertheans however, whose reactions to the appalling occurrences somehow triggered within their selves levels of unprecedented awareness that refused to succumb as their Consciousness pierced through the circumstantial cloak that quarantined them from the dimensional plane of the observing galactic fleet hovering over Erthe. It was with these sentient signals that overruled the Galactic Federacy’s non-interference position, as the command fleet, intently observing the oppressive human drama that had spanned difficult centuries and ultimately culminating in this fateful moment, responded to their distress and ensured with the swiftness of sure conviction and technology that unmatched the weapons of the devolved Cabal.

With the spirited intent of neutralizing the latter, the Galactic Command fleet cordoned the Cult's sphere of influence, classified unjustly suffering Ertheans, and demanded the surrender of the devious Cabal’s strongholds and weaponry. The devolved Mammon Cult and their brainwashed, fanatical minions refused to capitulate, convicting themselves that the fate of the Erthean future relied solely within their hands and in the fulfillment of their supposed sacrosanct prophesy. With the arsenals of death within the controls of puppet followers behind world governments, the devious Cabal and the minions sealed their fate and with it, the humanity they cannot enslave, for their ultimate and final solution: the annihilation of humankind.

As deadly warheads streaked through Erthean skies, awesome explosions began flashing around the globe, visible even in space, devouring remnants of an already precarious and corrupted Erthean civilization as its many cities and strategic sites were obliterated from the surface of Erthe. Yet, amid the bleakness, the many faces of hope were recalled, as survivors recounted being transported, in the blink of an eye, from a seeming sealed fate one instant to a light filled place the next, with strange benevolent beings.

The Beings claimed to be members of the Galactic Federacy; from Lemuria whose citizens also refer themselves as fellow Ertheans, and further mentioning names of planets and star systems Sirius, Pleiades, Lyra, among others. Such astronomic terms were both seemingly familiar yet overwhelmingly new to the ears of the enduring Ertheans, their undisclosed presence finally revealed in the new light.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

the ultimate hurdle

Universality and harmony with nature ingrains within the new Erthean psyche, for it encompasses with the holistic evolution of Erthean Consciousness and its continuing role and transcendence towards realizations of benevolent and free civilizations among vast Confederacy star systems of the Milky Cluster Galaxy. Yet, such utopian reality had been achieved not bereft of the trials and pains that the Ertheans themselves had undergone. But the Ertheans had survived, and now managed to thrive, buoyed by the starry visions that now spread so vastly before them.

For many millennia the Ertheans had existed in semi-quarantine status, unaware of the presence of the Galactic Family of star systems that had kept vigilant watch over them. In the ensuing series of complex events that had been characteristic of the drama of their cosmic history, the Ertheans eventually relegated into oblivion the memory of their once glorious past, and chose to prod and build anew from the vague pieces that had been remnants of the ancient ages of Erthean Phenomenon. The passage of time witnesses the journey of an Erthean Humanity relegated back to the Stone Age, unknowing of his cosmic past and experiencing the toils and challenges out of bare hands that eventually propelled him to various stages of civilizations as these flourished and waned. In the latter ages of the modern era nearly three centuries ago, the Erthean experiences the ultimate hurdle, for his very existence had been threatened to extinction.

In this scenario, the fate of the otherwise obscure Maharlika City and its inhabitants in the southern part of an insignificant country, would intertwine its vital role for the survival of all Erthean species, and furthermore contribute its relevance in the amalgamation of complex governance of the Federation of Star systems in the Milky Cluster.

Such significance had assured the survival and resurgence of Erthean Humanity after the horrific occurrence of the Great Upheaval, and Planet Erthe and her survivors' eventual elevation to be accorded the new status as Star Member of the Sytem of Sol by the Galactic Federacy. The vision of a utopian civilization for all Erthean Humans was finally achieved, and the Ertheans shall flourish to further enrich the awesome tapestry of glorious civilizations spread like shining beacons throughout the Galaxy. Since then it reveales unto Erthean Consciousness the greater scopes of realities and mysteries that spanned beyond Erthe’s orbit and her inhabitants’ once perceived dimensional universe.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

confederacy citizens

Program Resolutions of the CIC undergo systematic processes that virtually encompass endeavors, from participation of the individual Erthe Citizen in decision-making to planetary or interstellar implementation of the resulting resolutions. System processing revolves unceasingly, courtesy of rapid information influx among Confederacy constituents and facilitated with advanced technology. A typical Erthe Citizen on a street, when an inner intuition or insight is awakened upon him, may instantly contribute his perspective to the Confederacy by accessing another versatile feature system of the GIZMO known as Telepathic Ratification of User’s Evaluation (TRUE) and used comprehensively in the general processing of such data.

TRUE personalized interpretation is further enhanced by incorporating genetic info of the user, enabling a series of complex encoded patterns based on genetic blueprint structure, meawhile remaining consistent with CIC resolution disallowing embedding of any extractive material from within the consituents' physical anatomy. From such data the user embeds thought patterns encoded through personal supply of crystalline based matrix chips, by telepathically concentrating on a special transceiver equipped in the GIZMO. The data in pure form accumulated by the matrix chip manifest in imbued photons, causing the chip to glow with varying degree of spectral characteristics.

The data embedded matrix chips are then facilitated by “official” FLICK robots known as Bureaucratic Operating Technocrats (BOT). These levitating ball-like FLICKs, programmed with amicable dispositions, are spread along strategic locations in the cities and colonies, easily accessible by responding to GIZMO signal and efficiently functioning as transceivers and facilitators of matrix chip traffic. Due to prolific and strategic presence, BOTs also serve a variety of functions, from tour guides and language translators for visiting tourists, to news reporters of the latest events replete with 3D screen projectors. BOTs then transport the chips to CIC institutions where they are sorted by spectral variations.

Further processing involves the Erthean Council and staff with the aid of a specialized technology wherein spectral data are arranged by special codes incorporated with musical melodies corresponding to holographic computer keyboards, incorporating humane-induced analysis stimulated by constructive thought contributions and consistent with holistic assessment. Inclusive of the appraisal is the resultant “fragrance” emitted by photonic data from excited molecular structures, verifying the succession of harmonious centripetal energy emanating from such process and virtually utilizing the basic six human senses.

The accumulation of spectral data are then categorized by prism variations and embedded for tangible documentation in crystal sphere modules, its molecular structures enable efficient interstellar teleportation of the material data to member civilizations of the Confederacy via the SPEEDTRA. Spectral data are relayed via the transceiver centripetal vortex of the planetary core, and transmitted with stellar centrifugal emission. Special computer programs customized by Confederacy member civilizations enable deciphering of the spectral codes from the stellar rays, eventually translating it into readable text or interstellar hieroglyphics and accessible to verification by Erthe and Confederacy Citizens through the Instelnet.

Just as the efficient economic structure stabilized with proficient “Free Energy” power supply renders a benevolent financial system and eliminate the use of monetary currency, so have technologies such as Instelnet and BOTs reduce the need for politicians. Traditional politics, the dilemma that had bedeviled preGU Erthean society manifesting such ills as nepotism and corruption, has been rendered non-existent. Confederacy decisions directly emanate from the highly informed and responsible Citizenry, facilitated with efficient TRUE technology and embodied by the Erthean Council. The technology is also popular among sufficiently aged children. Statistics inform that a considerable percentage of child respondents of TRUE have significantly enhanced various CIC Primary Category Resolutions with the pure quality of their thought contributions.

Just as advanced technology has been consistent with nature harmonious and environmentally-sound considerations, so are program resolutions applied with cohesive benefits to the Citizenry and intricately linked with their Culture and the environment, intimately incorporating innate awareness of the noble principles of Universality.

Monday, August 6, 2007

the confederacy

Erthean governance is a cohesive amalgamation of empirical Erthean based principles and surviving beneficial cultures, with exceptions to certain preGU systems and ideologies that had been proven erroneous with dire consequences. The chief facilitating body of new Erthe civilization is epitomized by the Erthe Federation, whose main function conducts and provides the primary needs and services, and facilitate the noble visions of the Erthe Citizen. The principal body of Erthe Federation is characterized by the Erthean Council, a congregation of highly evolved individuals exemplifying in holistic and benevolent perspectives, and inherently aware of universal principles.

As the institutions of Erthe Federation address the primary needs and services for the Erthean community, the Erthean Council focuses the nurturing of the individual, the newly evolved Erthe Citizen, as the primary unit of the new Erthean society. Erthe Federation exists in provisioning the programs of the Erthean Council for holistic development of the Erthe Citizen in this cosmic arena towards the noble aspirations of Universal Vision. With the benevolent guidance of CIC democratic institutions, Erthe Federation, as facilitated by the Erthean Council, accesses autonomous representations to the galactic wide institutional programs of the Confederacy of Interstellar Citizens (CIC), guided within the Ideals of Universal Balance and Continuity.

The holistically evolved Erthe Citizen may considerably become the direct independent constituent of the CIC. The vast expanse of the Confederacy’s influence, encompassing diverse life forms and cultures of advanced civilizations, roots its strength with the Citizenry. Constant interstellar communications among such highly evolved individuals from these advanced civilizations propagate with the profound technology of SPEEDTRA, wherein imbued photonic messages are conveyed by sufficiently patterned data characteristics harmonious to stellar and planetary core energy vortices, its exquisite technology virtually screening ulterior thought patterns from regressive lower dimensions.

With the advent of advanced technology and progression towards higher culture, the new Erthean civilization realizes the ideals of Universal Democracy. As Erthe Federation addresses the secular needs of the Erthe Citizen, the latter endows direct governance over its function as facilitated by the Erthean Council, and partakes in the program resolutions of the CIC through its specialized systematic course implementations. By Erthean standards, the Confederacy utilizes basic and direct interstellar community links among individual citizens via the INSTELNET, the interstellar scope communications network, which is the advancement from a 20th century Erthean technology known as the Internet.

The new technology however, utilizes organic-based computer networks of interstellar protocol. The exquisite process of the technology incorporating organic data enables Erthe Federation to access the network of SPEEDTRA, consistently achieved with harmonious vortex patterns of energies in nature. Such intra-dimensional access capability is holistically termed as the “Needle Eye”, virtually reliant on higher dimension thought patterns and rendered inaccessible to lower thought motivations.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

new civilization

Meanwhile the newly established Erthean Council of Erthe Federation has resolved to develop its facilitating body as the Erthean social, economic and cultural structures undergo progressive stages of development. From the greed oriented global economic system that tragically deteriorated with a devious governing stratum, and had been characteristic of surface Erthean conduct prior to the Great Upheaval, the new Erthean civilization gradually advances into a culture-oriented visionary structure that will answer its position as the new galactic member of the Interstellar Confederacy. Newly evolved Erthean perspective emanates from holistic individuality towards community, Planetary and Universal development.

Unlike preGU systems ruled by economic interests and politics, Scientific and Artistic fields are the driving factors of New Erthean culture as it opens toward the dynamics of its emerging universal dimension. The Confederacy encourages ingenious Erthean based technological innovations and inventions, and provides logistics support to the rapidly advancing field. Existential and empirical perspectives, intangibility receptiveness to Universal Vision with emphasis to unique characteristics of Erthean individuality, have continually manifested in cultural endeavors and the Arts. Universal perspectives and artistic visions flourish with realizations for social development and advanced scientific technology, propelling the new Ertheans towards vital representation in the Confederacy.

On a typical day, an Erthe Citizen may render three or four specialized working hours within the extensive and technology-efficient departments of Erthe Federation, while the rest of his/her day is focused for personal and community development. Recreational facilities, libraries, galleries, meditation parks and various institutions are strategically located for the holistic nurturing of Erthean persona and the noble pursuit of consciousness evolutionary goals. Erthe citizenry exists in a democratic environment, and the individual’s physical, mental and spiritual development are assuredly supported and encouraged. Erthe Federation’s main function is to provide and serve the basic needs of Erthean inhabitants for comfortable modular shelters, extensive transportation systems, hybrid hydroponics farm produce, durable, well-designed issues of useful implements and clothings. Basic utilitarian functions for physical needs are communally addressed, and manufacturing industries are owned by the citizenry. Extended economic transactions are implemented by fair and sophisticated barter system, and the use of monetary currency is non-existent. Erthean self-reliance on resources is well established and excessive exploitation of resources rendered irrelevant within the CIC economic system for advancements and higher civilized perspectives gears toward nature-harmonious, balanced universal principles. Progress is measured not by material accumulation but by levels of technological, evolutionary, and intangible value reception. In the new civilization, social imbalance and poverty are non-existent.

Furthermore, the efficient use of technology and resources complements prudent PostGU lifestyle wherein the aftermath and lessons of the Upheaval strained the survivors to adjust to the rudiments of austere temporal existence. Excessive materialistic tendencies are contemptuously identified with regressive preGU lifestyle and frowned upon by the new culture as obsolete and narrow. Rather the address towards intangible values and universal perspectives become the dynamic norms of the new culture. Sacred Individual Rights however, are highly regarded and leveled beyond utilitarian and secular concerns, and protected against exploitation and ulterior motivations even from among multidimensional levels. Such principles are well protected by CIC democratic institutions that promote the Ideals of encompassing Justice and responsible Freedom, of Cosmic Balance and Continuity.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

erthean lifestyle

Erthe Citizens of Maharlika City live and work in high-density vertical structures in which the locals dub as megatowers. Rising to an average of 200 storeys, these massive wonders of metal, glass and durable lightweight polymers shimmer with the reflection of early morning. High-density vertical developments enable the city to allocate downtown horizontal levels for verdant parks and reforestation development. Considerable populations also live within the multilevel subterranean chambers below the city parks and forest reserves with well-regulated climatic, illumination and acoustical conditioning. Low-rise suburbs furthermore dot the well forested vicinity; its primary residents being scientists, artists, hydroponics farmers and gardeners among others, with major institutions along the neighborhood.

Practically responding to the radical requirements of Erthe Federation, the efficient use of land resource is implemented with the revitalization of the once limited natural environment decimated in the aftermath of the Great Upheaval. By the later century afterwards, forests, parks and nature conservation areas are considered extremely valuable for both tangible and intangible benefits, and secular real estate developments adjust to match the assessment of its value.

In collaboration with Erthe Federation and CIC, the latter consistent with its program of providing mutual technology transfer to sufficiently evolved interstellar civilizations, new Erthean society experiences rapid advancement in modular building innovation and interstellar standard technology. PostGU Erthean lifestyle is adequately supported with advanced utilitarian and energy source systems, implemented with comprehensive recycling methods and highly efficient energy generating technology upgraded to subatomic source levels from prolific supplies. Consistent with strict environmental standards, energy demands are met by clean solar power, fuel cells from water, magnetic propulsion, and ionic charges from the atmosphere. The proficient use of energy sources have revolutionized the industries such that its power generating technology is often dubbed as “Free Energy”, resulting to a benevolent socio-economic structure.

Transportation systems are operated with efficient traffic controls in the subterranean, terrain, and air lane levels. Subterranean maglev railways clawing through strategic tunnel terminals extensively service public passengers. Mobile horizontal platforms dubbed as sidewalkers service pedestrian traffic at terrain level, its environs amply surrounded with tree-lined avenues and large verdant parks, with the immense megatowers soaring behind them. Above the scenery, spacedrive vehicles hovering at traffic level 3 levitate by magnetic propulsion and atmospheric ion manipulation, and traverse on extensive hoverways of invisible grid systems with range beacons transmitted by strategic transceivers to vehicle consoles for regulation of multilevel traffic flow. Erthe Federation equips its facilities with teleportal chambers for lightspeed travel among constituents. For interstellar travel, wormhole manipulation with the space-time fabric is the norm.

Robotics are an indispensable necessity with extensive functions ranging from industrial endeavors to domestic efficiency. Highly durable equipments such as household utilitarian implements are designed to amiably “talk” with its users, literally redefining the term “user-friendly”. Higher ST (Sentient Technology) robotics that imbue “conscious” disposition, otherwise categorized as 4D technology, have various functions. Sometimes an anthropomorphic robot may serve as household help or an escort “friend”. Permeated with Faster-than-Light Imbued Crystalline Kinetics (FLICK), these cordial companions form a versatile part of the new Erthean civilization and are instilled with sentient perception that mirror its environment, hence also serving as vital data source for determining social condition status.

Interstellar communication is achieved beyond conventional light speed measurement and is revolutionized by Stellar-Planetary Enhanced Encoding Data Transfer (SPEEDTRA), wherein data-imbued dimensional photons in interstellar contact are transmitted via stellar and planetary core vortices that permeate like macrocosmic transmitters on the enormous galactic screen. The possibility of teleportal travel via these vortices is also extensively researched by the Confederacy, pooling with it the technological expertise of major interstellar civilizations.

Every Erthean citizen of legal age is also issued a GIZMO (Gadget Intensive Zany Multi-functioning Object). The egg-sized device serves a wide range of functions, from virtual pc and television projector to utility laser knife attachment. It is personalized by reading its user’s genetic datum.

The use of monetary currency is non-existent, for the Federation addresses all the basic utilitarian requirements of every individual. A sophisticated barter system merits individualized endeavors, such as handicraft works or talent performances; with transaction records encoded via virtual monitor equipped within the personalized GIZMO, which also acts like a “wallet”. The merits may be accumulated by points and used for “luxury” issues such as interplanetary tour tickets, a spacedrive vehicle, holistic massage (with emphasis at dissipating negative prana resulting from such transactions), or a robotic pet.

a parallel dimension...

In a parallel dimension, the eon Sun in the System of Sol glistens over Maharlika City, a strategic metropolis in a continent of planet Erthe. It is another morning in the year 2276 for its 3 million inhabitants, considerably among the largest urban areas by 23rd century Erthean standards. The city is an eclectic profusion of newly evolved Ertheans aggrupating from the various continents of the planet, and of interstellar representatives as well. With other metropolises, it is a pilot area for the immersion phase program of Erthe Federation and the Confederacy of Interstellar Citizens (CIC). The city is a virtual melting pot of intergalactic cultures with 4th Dimensional and 5D-evolving SUPERbeings.

Grand Old Man, intimately referred by the local inhabitants to a nearby volcanic mountain, is a silent witness to the growth of the populace. Rising from the terrain ranges of the city’s backdrop, the forests below its revered peaks reflect the early morning sprinkles as they slowly roll down the landscape and into the gulf boundaries of the sea. The evergreen blanket surrounding the city, its profusion of flora and fauna with remarkable species once dubbed endangered yet reviving to a healthy population, attests the success of a conservation program implemented by Erthean ancestors centuries ago and have since survived even after the Great Upheaval (GU).

Nesting above a large stately tree, a certain eagle awakens with the knock of sunlight. Readying the magnificent spread of his wings, he soars above the verdant canopy and dodges over magnificent towers. The eagle inspects his vast territory, which includes, to the amusement of Maharlikan residents, the city suburbs. Researchers concluded that from his otherwise wild nature, the genetic makeup recorded his lineage to an ancestor that was once reared by an early conservation institution more than 200 years ago. The ancestor’s attachment to her human caretakers may have its effect on the species’ evolutionary process and have considerably manifested the characteristics to her offspring, resulting to, as the inhabitants fondly called, a more “civilized” behavior.

Local inhabitants responded by providing the adopted eagle with strategic feeding sites above their towering habitations. The diet is composed of high protein vegetable mixture prepared from hydroponics farms, organically synthesized with the taste and texture of real meat. The inhabitants officially named their eagle as Kinabukasan, meaning “Future.”

Consistent with city ordinance requiring its inhabitants to eventually adopt the vegetarian diet, it also responds to postGU ecological condition and synchronicity of interstellar cultures especially sensitive to bioplasmic emission quality. The 2nd phase of the Confederacy program, after the initial completion of the first phase with the revitalization of endemic Erthean ecosystem, immerses the newly evolved Erthean species to the Cultural Complex of 4D and 5D-evolving citizens of the Confederacy with gravitational interaction belonging to the Milky Cluster. The populace is no longer distinguished by geographic nationality, and is now unified with Interstellar Confederacy classification as “Erthe Citizens”.