In the aftermath of the Deluge, the Celestial Adepts and their Lemurian-Atlantean companions reemerged from the safety of their subterranean refuge where they had survived from the catastrophic phenomenon. As the waters subsided they realized that the planet's communication link with other Star Systems was severely cut. Although the portal complex in a place eventually known as Egypt had generally survived the onslaught of the Flood, the impact drastically altered the orbital path of Erthe, disaligning its communication links between Sirius and other Star Systems by several degrees. Erthe’s orbital shift fell from higher 4th Dimensional plane down to 3-Dimensional level. The communication thread between the intergalactic families had been severed and the planet virtually relegated down to 3D reality.
The Celestial Adepts and the Lemurian-Atlantean survivors, upon observing the digression of surface Erthean behavior and the inherent dangers of advanced technology when held by erring hands, gestured feats that would protect the planet and their constituents from the darkening ages of surface Erthean environment. With the aid of initiates, they further developed the pyramid complex in Egypt, incorporating with it codes of sacred geometry, and motivated with flickering hope that in the latter ages a more enlightened surface Erthean generation would enable to decipher its noble message to mankind.
Their deeds thus done, the Celestial Adepts, their initiates and surviving Lemurian-Atlanteans returned to their subterranean refuge. Deeper still they huddled for Erthe’s warmth, as her inner brilliant core shone and nurtured their abode inside her hollow bosom. Within Inner Erthe they built their cities, developed further their technologies and improved their beings, as the Ideals of Life and their utopian existence were guarded from the follies and struggles of surface Ertheans that had multiplied upon Erthe’s surface.
Within the nurturing embrace of Mother Erthe, there they will await the reawakening of humanity from its own folly and the dark cloud of its consequences. It is with this enigmatic history that the surviving Lemurian brethrens alluded their origin. In their abode the Lemurians flourished with sacred knowledge and advanced civilization, virtually inaccessible to ordinary mortals, until the appointed moment comes.
Monday, October 29, 2007
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